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Experts and practitioners in the field invite Joan to share her thinking and discuss the application and relevance of Orgonomics™ to our complex context.


A systems perspective on vertical development

A podcast about the messy, beautiful ways grown-ups grow up.

Transforming Systems

Joan and I delve into the world of organisational ecology and reframing the hybrid workplace.

Redefining roles and relations in organisational systems

Helping leaders develop and apply systemic thinking, with Tyler Mongan from Future Intelligent Leadership.

Organisational Ecology

Viewing change management through a different lens, with Brian Gorman from the Change Management Review.

Organisational Ecology and Orgonomics

Putting systems thinking into organisational and leadership practices with Simon Western from Edgy Ideas.

Mapping new paths for the way we work

Applying systems thinking and exploring new frontiers in organisations with James Allen from The Work.

Leading complex change with minimal ‘noise’

Enabling effective and sustainable change adoption, with Ali Juma from The Inner Game of Change.

Leading change with a systems lens

Creating organisational change that breaks the mould, with Tobias Sturesson from Leading Transformational Change.

Redefining ‘the workplace’

Exploring the complex future of work with Margie Hartley from FastTrack.