Virtual Workshop
A new lens on organisations and change
Extending the practice
The demand for Orgonomics work is growing so we are developing a series of workshops, training and accreditation pathways to enable others to develop and apply this lens and practice. These pathways are designed for different contexts supporting consultants, coaches, leaders and HR practitioners to apply the methodology in their roles distinctively. All pathways start with our Foundations Module. This introduces the Orgonomics frameworks and principles and is a pre-requisite for starting on any of the role learning and accreditation pathways.
Most leadership and organisation development work, focuses technically on the organisation – its structures, resources and processes – or on people – their values, styles, personalities, skills and behaviours.
The work typically does not focus on ‘the system’ – the patterns of sensemaking, relating and interacting between the parts – from which behaviour, symptom or flow emerges. However, ‘We cannot address systemic challenges simply using technical, psychological and interpersonal means’. Which is why we may find ourselves stuck.
Foundations introduces a new set of assumptions, principles and frameworks to help individuals, teams and organisations discover and change the systems they are part of: their patterns of sensemaking and relating so they can be liberated and achieve powerful new outcomes.
With this module, you will:
- Get ‘a new pair of glasses’ for making sense of behaviour, organisations and change systemically.
- Understand how even well intended current practices may be keeping us stuck.
- Start to see and shift relational patterns to address presenting symptoms.
- Practise how to observe, uncover and reframe your role/s to change a system or pattern you may be captive to.
- Have a new set of assumptions, principles and frameworks for thinking about how individuals and systems can continuously adapt to find flow and coherence.
The sessions will be highly interactive and involve working with real case studies, as well as your issues and challenges. Group size will be limited to a maximum of 18 participants. To help support your learning, you can expect some reading and exercises before the start of the program and in between each session.
Joan Lurie CEO and Founder of Orgonomics will be facilitating the Foundations Module. Joan is a Fulbright Scholar with a Masters in Adult Education and Development, and a MA in Developmental Psychology. She has been working systemically with clients for the past 30 years and she is excited to now bring this work into the field in more expansive ways.
Date, time and fees
Dates to be announced soon.
Date, time and fees
Foundations is comprised of four x half day sessions over Zoom with 2 options for 2023. Fees for the module are AU$1,800 (+GST).
Option 1: June
3:30pm – 7:30pm PT
8:30am – 12:30pm AEST
Thursday 1 June
Friday 2 June
Friday 9 June
Friday 16 June
Option 2: September
7am – 11am GMT
4pm – 8pm AEST
Tuesday 19 September
Wednesday 20 September
Tuesday 26 September
Wednesday 27 September
”The Orgonomics methodology has completely changed the way I see organisations – and my role in working with them. Every coach and consultant needs this perspective and approach to move past the inertia and resistance faced by so many change efforts. In more than two decades of working with organisations, this has been one of the most crucial additions to my toolkit.
Chief Operating Officer